1. update packages and gui setting
info ) apt-get is a package-managemet tool in linux system
# setting.sh
sudo apt-get update # synchronize package index file
sudo apt-get upgrade # fetch new package
apt-get install ubuntu-desktop # install ubuntu GUI version
2. Install essential packages
sudo apt install nano htop tlp net-tools
8a- 1) nano is a text editor -> you can use 'vim'(vi) instead of 'nano'
- 2) htop is a task manager
- 3) tlp is a power manager
- 4) net-tools is for network monitoring <- if you want to use ipconfig, netstat or so, you have to install this!
- 5)
info ) in many command words, we can replace apt-get with apt. apt is combined command including apt-get and apt-cache.
3. check ubuntu version
lsb_release -a
4. Install other convenient packages
sudo apt-get install fcitx-hangul
sudo apt install fonts-nanum fonts-naver-d2coding
- 1) rather than 'IBus', 'fcitx-hangul' is easily installed with no problem and working-well.
-> 설치 후에 오른쪽 상단의 keyboard 아이콘을 눌러 configuration으로 접속 후 +버튼으로 hangul 을 찾아서 추가해주면 끝. 이때 hangul이 검색되지 않으면 only show current language 체크박스를 풀고 확인하면 된다
- 2) 폰트는 원하는 것으로 받아 사용할 수 있지만, 여러 인터넷사이트에서 해당 포트가 호환이 좋다고 말한다
( 캡처랑 팀뷰어랑 vscode도 )
( https://baejino.com/linux/Debian-Application-Develop )
참고 사이트 : https://logon.tistory.com/729